Walk away

Posted: April 25, 2011 in Uncategorized

There are ups and downs in our life, I take that as a solid fact. The front part of 2011 has never been smooth nor easy for me, but rather tough. Everything seems to go against me in every possible way. Things have been done not without twice the force energy and time. Obstacles are increasing substantially with time even now. Back then, I dare not make complaint as I know it clear in heart this is not going to help a bit. To channel out the excessive stress and rage safely, I have become indifferent to whatever comes right to me.

Anything that could stand in my way, I would just walk away, not backward, but looking for alternative that could lead me forward. There isn’t a single direction in our path. There are many trails that we have never thought of, simply because of our resistance to select the uncertainty and explore the new.

We could track down the footsteps, or walk out a new trail that opens up a new door to many others different possibilities. Given a choice, I’d happily go with the later. What say you?

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